people of the wars of the roses artinya
- people: manusia; orang-orang; orangramai; rakyat; people
- wars of the roses: wars of the roses; perang bunga mawar; perang
- roses: rumpun mawar; mawar
- wars of the roses: wars of the roses; perang bunga mawar; perang mawar
- people of the arab–byzantine wars: orang dalam perang arab–byzantine
- people of the arab–khazar wars: orang dalam perang arab–khazar
- people of the greco-persian wars: tokoh pertempuran yunani-persia
- people of the roman–persian wars: tokoh perang romawi-persia
- abbasid people of the arab–byzantine wars: orang abbasiyah dalam perang arab–byzantine
- byzantine people of the byzantine–seljuk wars: tokoh bizantium dalam peperangan bizantium–seljuk
- fatimid people of the arab–byzantine wars: orang fatimiyah dalam perang arab–byzantine
- umayyad people of the arab–byzantine wars: orang umaiyah dalam perang arab–byzantine
- umayyad people of the arab–khazar wars: orang umaiyah dalam perang arab–khazar
- a bed of roses: kehidupan mewah
- bed of roses: keadaan menyenangkan; tempat
Kata lain
- "people of the twenty-first dynasty of egypt" terjemahan Indonesia
- "people of the twenty-second dynasty of egypt" terjemahan Indonesia
- "people of the twenty-sixth dynasty of egypt" terjemahan Indonesia